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Servicios Audiovisuales
Me encantaría ayudarte a avanzar tu proyecto audiovisual. Te comparto los planes para que puedas ver cuál se adecua a tus necesidades.
22 dic 20177 Min. de lectura
Key elements for Managing a Creative Business
As I start writing this end of the year reflective blog, I think to when we first started the semester and our MA, a merely three months...
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22 dic 20173 Min. de lectura
Business Model Canvas: turning ideas into action.
We all have ideas, we all think our ideas are the best out there. For example, an idea for a film cannot be copyrighted, because in the...
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22 dic 20172 Min. de lectura
Five P’s of Strategy
When I thought about strategy before, I always thought about something rigid, something planned that you had about your business and that...
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22 dic 20173 Min. de lectura
Intellectual Property Rights in the Film Industry
A couple of months ago I was talking to a friend from my country, Paraguay, that was visiting London. He works at the institution that...
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22 nov 20174 Min. de lectura
My Own Experience With The Advertising World
I have to admit, I have a love-hate relationship with advertising. My first job at a production company was as a production assistant in...
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16 nov 20173 Min. de lectura
Finance Made Easy
“I’m not getting my hopes up” is what I told one of my classmates during our bus ride on our way to class when she told me that our...
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13 nov 20173 Min. de lectura
The Power of a Brand
A brand can be one of the most powerful assets a company can have. Brands are not necessarily just for a product or a service. Anything...
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6 nov 20173 Min. de lectura
The Lean Start-up Model and the Film Industry
Producing a film is easy right? You have an idea, that goes into a script, you hire a director, crew, shoot, edit, distribute. Easy....
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Ex Presidenta de la Academia de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas del Paraguay. En principio es representar a la Academia de Cine en las áreas donde se requiera y en conjunto con el presidente.
Como Academia de Cine somos el nexo con premios internacionales como los Oscar, Goya y Ariel, por lo cual tenemos la función de elegir al representante por Paraguay cada año.
Además realizamos diversas actividades para promover el cine a nivel local como internacional.
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