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Servicios Audiovisuales
Me encantaría ayudarte a avanzar tu proyecto audiovisual. Te comparto los planes para que puedas ver cuál se adecua a tus necesidades.
21 nov 20173 Min. de lectura
When in London…
I love London’s public transport. I love taking the train, the double decker buses, the underground, the overground, you name it. But,...
21 nov 20172 Min. de lectura
Putting Ourselves In Other Shoes. Literally.
As the video above shows, and as we have already seen, design thinking is all about empathy with our user. Sometimes is hard to put...
19 nov 20173 Min. de lectura
What I Understand Now About Design Thinking
When I first started the module of Design Thinking for Startups I have to be honest, I didn’t really understand what it was. I knew it...
18 nov 20172 Min. de lectura
Observing Our Users
In our Design Thinking for Start-ups Module we analyse the different theories used nowadays in design thinking, these can be applied to...
16 nov 20173 Min. de lectura
Finance Made Easy
“I’m not getting my hopes up” is what I told one of my classmates during our bus ride on our way to class when she told me that our...
13 nov 20173 Min. de lectura
The Power of a Brand
A brand can be one of the most powerful assets a company can have. Brands are not necessarily just for a product or a service. Anything...
Ex Presidenta de la Academia de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas del Paraguay. En principio es representar a la Academia de Cine en las áreas donde se requiera y en conjunto con el presidente.
Como Academia de Cine somos el nexo con premios internacionales como los Oscar, Goya y Ariel, por lo cual tenemos la función de elegir al representante por Paraguay cada año.
Además realizamos diversas actividades para promover el cine a nivel local como internacional.
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